Occupational & Physical Therapists
There are currently two occupational therapists (OT) and one contracting physical therapist (PT) who travel and service all of the Yellowstone-West/Carbon County Special Services Cooperative.
Occupational therapists address fine (small) motor and sensory motor skills in the school environment as they relate to the academic setting. Fine motor skills include pencil grasps, handwriting, scissor skills, and some life skills as they are necessary for the school environment.
Physical therapists address gross (big) motor and safety issues involved with getting around a school and playground setting. Physical therapists also work to implement movement into the school day. They are often found in PE classes and help adapt the activities that the class is doing to a level that a child with a disability is able to participate to his/her fullest. Physical therapists work with positioning of regular and special education students in their desks for optimal learning. They may also work with students with more severe disabilities and train staff on positioning for wheelchair-bound kids.

Occupational and Physical therapy services can only be provided to students who are receiving special education services or speech and language services in the school setting. The goal of OT and PT is to work with staff regularly so that modifications that have been made or suggested can be carried out throughout the school week, between visits from the therapists.

Helpful Websites:
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
School Based Occupational Therapy Fact Sheets
Children and Youth Fact Sheets
Also see out PT/OT page under Resources!
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